Tidy Plates enhances World of Warcraft's floating health bars - commonly known as 'nameplates' - and provides a built-in API which can be used to create your own design. This download comes with several theme packages, but many alternatives are available. Questions and Comments You're always welcome to leave feedback right here in the Comments section, but you can also visit the Tidy Plates Forum on Google Groups to participate in the discussion. If you have a question, I urge you to use the Forum. It's searchable (which can save time for both of us), and no account is required to post. Bug Reporting Feel free to report bugs in the comments section at the bottom of this page, but please don't paste in your bug/crash logs. Those logs may contain useful information, but they're usually very long, and not very interesting to other folks who might read the comment section. Please post those reports into a CurseForge ticket, or send them to me by PM or email (binbwen@gmail.com). Configuration To change your theme: Use the command, '/tidyplates' as a shortcut to the interface panel for Tidy Plates. On that panel, you'll be able to select from a list of installed themes. The theme you choose will define both the appearance and features. To configure a theme: Each theme is responsible for its own configuration, which means that some themes have a GUI panel and some do not. The bundled themes (Quatre, Neon & Grey) come with a configuration tool called, Tidy Plates Hub. Theme Design and Customization It's pretty easy to edit an existing theme, or to create one from scratch. Please contact me at, binbwen@gmail.com for more information. I haven't finished the developer documentation, so I'd be happy to assist you directly.