Create solutions, not bulk --------------------------------------------------------------------- - Use default Blizz font should change widget fonts too (or, let the threat widget use arialn) 6.2 * Spell Cast Monitor name search will now strip the "-" from the combat log name, which should fix PvP cast association issues. * Debuff Widget will now strip the "-" from combat log events, which should fix pvp association issues * fixed a 'nil' error during pet/tank association * "Avoid Overlap" has been updated for the new CVar types * TextPlates * Style Mode, By Player, By Marked, By Elite 6.2.1: - Neon and Grey were not meant to show guild names (yet), so that's been removed. (It will come back, but only when I have a UI option) - added "marked" condition to the "By Active" style mode - "No Overlap" removed from Panel. Please see "Interface > Names> Nameplate Motion" from now on. - Changed text in a few spots - SetCustomText can now accept RGBA colors (but it's not required)... return string, r, g, b, a - Text Plate for Quatre will show the supplemental text with 70% opacity - Fixed Damage Hub Vertical position sensitivity - Removed force-enable of aggro detection. First-runs and resets will still enable aggro detect. 6.3: CURRENT RELEASE * Updated functions for 4.2 * Increased width of sliders in Hub * Opacity functions now use a transfer function to correct the opacity (currently, .5 does not translate to 50% opaque; it's more like 65%) * Channeled spells now move the cast bar in reverse. * Friendly/Enemy "V-key" Automation; In Combat, Out of Combat, Always * Debuff widget now Caches texture of debuffs (to fix sunfire phenomenon, and similar) Optional: - Add description block for Automation settings - move auto-enable warnings to "first time run" block - Integrate TidyPlatesIcon into core - Graphite into Hub - Spell cast should check for current target, and check against insta-casted spells. ******** Raid Icon Coloring for Health Bar Name Text, Reaction Color; Greyish red for very low level, medium red for tough, Bright red for skull Make sure Debuff Widget is clearing itself Debuff Widget should cache debuff data on the Icon table/frames Reduce Double Calls / reduce context update load Check for table leaks from Core to Hub, and Core internal Polish Slider Ranges in Hub (Some don't need to have quite so much range) Enhance Opacity Range accuracy (Opacity seems to be on a logarythmic scale, where getting closer to 0% does less) - ex. Opactiy = (1-OpacitySlider) Debuff Priority (based on height in list) ? Graphite integrated into Hub 6.x...........: - increase debuff count columns to 5? - nameplate create event - nameplate hide event - call event/elegate when nameplate count changes - Chganneled spells reverse - Re-do config screen, using the Hub Fonts and Such - Big Titles for Theme, Show & Hide, Etc. - make range widget part of the usual indicators (to allow for different kinds of warnings) - TidyPlatesTarget Integration - Buffs added to Aura Widget 1. Graphical Design 2. Alter CombatLog Watcher 3. Alter general event watcher Enemy: Buffs, Debuffs Friendly: Buffs, Debuffs 6.4+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tidy Plates Hub: Heal Tidy Plates Hub: Gladiator Text Entry box for Slider Widgets UnitCache; Class Colors for "Everyone" (Event Handling in World, not BG or Instance; Those colors are provided by group and PvP color) UnitCache; Friend List/Guild Feed UnitCache; /who for classes? Name Text, Class Color Mode; Un-id'd friendly and hostile are greyish versions of the 'normal' colors Watermark/Highlight for "CC" prefix (Clamp, Claws, Bars, Lock, Key, ETc) "By Low Health" Modes, General Health Warning (greater than, less than) Spell Icon Border Texture Coordinates for Textures and Statusbar Revise "Core" comments Revise Friendly Group Member Aggro Color/Graphics Widget Testmodes Event Handling Callback Functions: Fire an Event when a nameplate is shown, hidden or created New Scale Modes: ScaleByActiveDebuffs, ScaleByActiveCC, ScaleByMyActiveDebuffs Hub Option: Spell Casting Colors (int/non-int) Hub Option: Threat Widget Colors, ShowText Option for Threat Line Widget (Allow text for either side of the tugging) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tidy Plates Blog Design Notes Design Diary Video Content - How to set up Tidy Plates for Tanking - How to set up Tidy Plates for single target and multi-target DPS. - How to set up Tidy Plates for PvP Tidy Plates Theme Hacker, Addon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Allow unit.guid to be fed from another source: - if unit.guid then GUID[unit.guid] = plate end This should go in the OnUpdateNameplate function, I think: - if not GUID[unit.guid] then GUID[unit.guid] = plate; ContextUpdate end * Platelevels for plates(1-100), targets(127), casters(101-120), other?(121-125) NOTES --------------------- Tank Hex Color: 3782D1 Damage Hex Color: FF4400 - ................................................................................................................................ Tidy Plates 7 TidyPlatesStyleList, TidyPlatesThemeList Menu Design -Each Frame has a bounding box and an access function. Style Full Editing Suite Theme/Function Suite Slacker Bear Raid accessibility... 5-man regulars should help prep for end game raiding 5-man herics should be end game content, somewhat on par with raids. 5-mans to 10-man regular 5-man heric = 10-man regular archaeology Videos Configuring a tanking setup for Tidy Plates - DPS - AoE - PvP - Leveling - CC /run SAF = SpellActivationOverlayFrame FOS = "TEXTURES SPELLACTIVATIONOVERLAYS FURY_OF_STORMRAGE.BLP" SAS = SpellActivationOverlay_ShowOverlay SAH = SpellActivationOverlay_HideOverlays PSF=CreateFrame("FRAME") /run PSF:RegisterEvent("UNIT_AURA");PSF:SetScript('OnEvent',function() o=0 for i=1,40 do _,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,id=UnitAura("Player",i) if id==69369 then SAS(SAF,69369,FOS,"TOP",1,255,255,255,false,false) o=1 end end if o==0 then SAH(SAF,69369) end end)