TipTacItemRef Changes | 2010 Dec 06 ----------------------------------- - Fixed table error if used alone, i.e. TipTac core not enabled. TipTacItemRef Changes | 2010 Dec 05 ----------------------------------- - Option to display Achievement ID and Category added. - It's no longer possible to hook the same tooltip more than once. TipTacItemRef Changes | 2010 Nov 17 ----------------------------------- - Added an option, which you can use to disable the Achievement tooltip modification. - Improved the Smart Icon feature even more, it should no longer show icons in places such as the quest log, trade skill frame and talent frame as well as the inspect talent frame tooltips. - The "count" text on the icon, showing stack size or achievement points, will now "scale" with the size you set the icon to be. TipTacItemRef Changes | 2010 Nov 12 ----------------------------------- - The default item level text, is now hidden to avoid two lines showing the item level. - Fixed a nil error with the local "owner", which could happen on occasions. - The "Quality Colored Border" option, which colors the tooltip border based on the item rarity, has been moved from the core TipTac addon, into TipTacItemRef. - With "Smart Icons" enabled, it will no longer display an icon for guild bank items, auction house items, as well as mail attachment tooltips. - Improved the "Smart Icons" option, it should now show the icon on even less frames. - Added a new option, to show who the caster of a specific aura is. So when showing a buff or debuff tooltip, an extra line will be shown, as to who who applied this aura. TipTacItemRef Changes | 2010 Nov 10 ----------------------------------- - Fixed a nil error if "Borderless Icons" were enabled. - Fixed two nil errors that could happen when showing item and quest level. TipTacItemRef Changes | 2010 Nov 09 ----------------------------------- - You can now configure TipTacItemRef from ingame, if you have TipTac and TipTacOptions installed. - Now supports quest tooltips. Which will show the quest level and quest id. - Added a "Smart Icon Appearance" feature. This will determine if an icon should be shown depending on where the tooltip is being shown from. So for example, when shown from a bag item, or action bar slot, there is no need to show an icon, as they already have one. - The "count" text on the icon, now uses the default font, rather than the number font. - Icons now shown on the GameTooltip, and not only ItemRefTooltip. TipTacItemRef Changes | 2010 Oct 19 ----------------------------------- - Fixed a bug that could generate an error if an achievement were linked cross server over realID, and the line stating when it was complete, were missing. - Minor code optimisations. TipTacItemRef Changes | 2010 Oct 12 ----------------------------------- - Changed the TOC version to 40000 for the 4.0.1 pre Cataclysm patch. TipTacItemRef Changes | 2010 Feb 27 ----------------------------------- - Changed the TOC version to 30300 for the 3.3 patch. TipTacItemRef Changes | 2009 Aug 13 ----------------------------------- - Changed the TOC version to 30200 for the 3.2 patch. - Added a Lua option to toggle item level and id for item tooltips. - Added a Lua option to toggle spell id and rank for spell tooltips. TipTacItemRef Changes | 2009 May 25 ----------------------------------- - No longer creates a table for each time you view an achievement link. TipTacItemRef Changes | 2009 Apr 17 ----------------------------------- - Changed the TOC version to 30100 for the 3.1 patch. TipTacItemRef Changes | 2009 Mar 19 ----------------------------------- - Achivements now show how many points they give in the icon. TipTacItemRef Changes | 2008 Dec 13 ----------------------------------- - When showing your achievements, the statistic will be shown as well. This could for example be "157 / 250" for the "250 Emblems of Heroism" achievement. - If the GameTooltip is showing a hyperlink, while the ItemRefTooltip is shown, it will no longer hide the icon. - Fixed a problem that could make it skip the first two criteria of a shown achievement. TipTacItemRef Changes | 2008 Dec 03 ----------------------------------- - First Release.